Minister for Nature and Nitrogen Policy Christianne van der Wal and VVD provincial councillor André van Schie visited Utrecht Science Park

Yesterday afternoon, Minister for Nature and Nitrogen Policy Christianne van der Wal visited Utrecht Science Park and the University of Utrecht's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine together with VVD provincial councillor André van Schie.

During this visit, Jan Henk van der Velden, executive director of Utrecht Science Park Foundation, explained the various developments at the largest science park in the Netherlands. Research on the health of animals, humans and their environment plays a central role in this regard.

Jan Henk van der Velden:

It was good that we were able to explain to the Minister the added value that the unique concentration of knowledge at Utrecht Science Park offers. It is important that these ecosystems continue to be supported, also from The Hague.

At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the delegation was given an insight into the work of researchers Wouter DhertMarianna Tryfonidou and Daniela Salvatori. This includes research into how the use of laboratory animals in scientific research and education can be reduced.

Daniela Salvatori showed how she uses 3D techniques such as augmented reality and VR glasses to that end:

Virtual reality improves spatial ability: it is difficult to learn 3D structures from 2D pictures in a textbook,’ says Salvatori. ‘So, together with UMC Utrecht and Utrecht-based computer scientists, we developed three-dimensional and holographic models. VR glasses enable students to practise as often as necessary, which is not possible with a laboratory animal.

Wouter Dhert:

Utrecht University attaches great importance to Life Sciences: innovations in health care for humans and animals, with consideration for the environment. Close cooperation between faculties, organisations and experts is essential in that respect, and this all comes together at Utrecht Science Park.

Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink:

Lovely afternoon at Utrecht Science Park. Resourceful collaboration, between medicine and veterinary medicine for instance, enables faster development of medicines for and better treatment of symptoms in humans and animals. It's fantastic to be able to already see these developments for the future!

Minister Christianne van der Wal (Natuur en Stikstof) bezocht samen met VVD-statenlid André van Schie het Utrecht Science Park

Minister Christianne van der Wal (Natuur en Stikstof) bezocht samen met VVD-statenlid André van Schie het Utrecht Science Park

Minister Christianne van der Wal (Natuur en Stikstof) bezocht samen met VVD-statenlid André van Schie het Utrecht Science Park

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